Barbie & Teresa in The Diamond Castle Connected Music Video
Liana: I'm blindfolded on this carrige ride that they call life
Alexa: Keep tryin' to make it through that next turn, knuckles white and holdin tight
Liana: So here I go, takin' the curve.
Alexa: But I know that I'm never alone, I think of you
And how you never let me go
I feel
Liana: Connected
Alexa: Connected
Liana: Protected
Alexa: Protected
Both: It's like your sitting right with me all the time
Liana: You hear me
Alexa: You hear me
Liana: Your near me
Alexa: Your near me
Both: And everything else gonna be alright
Liana: Cause nothing can break this
Alexa: nothing can break this
Both: Nothing can break this tie!
Connected, connected inside.
Alexa: It's not an accident the time we spent apart.
Liana: But now we're so close, I can always find you right here in my heart.
Alexa: You've given me, something I need, and I don't ever want it to end.
Liana: Because of you
Both: I know I've found my strength again.
I feel
Liana: Connected
Alexa: Connected
Liana: Protected
Alexa: Protected
Both: It's like your sitting right with me all the time
Liana: You hear me
Alexa: You hear me
Liana: Your near me
Alexa: Your near me
Both: And everything else gonna be alright
Liana: Cause nothing can break this
Alexa: nothing can break this
Both: Nothing can break this tie!
Connected, connected inside.
Every time, that I breathe, I can feel the energy,
reachin' out, flowing through, you to me and me to you.
Wake or dream, walk or stand, you are everywhere I am.
Seprate souls, unified, touching at the speed of life.
Life. Oh, oh, oh!
I feel!
Liana: Connected
Alexa: Connected
Liana: Protected
Alexa: Protected
Both: It's like your sitting right with me all the time
Liana: You hear me
Alexa: You hear me
Liana: Your near me
Alexa: Your near me
Both: And everything else gonna be alright.
Liana: Connected
Alexa: Connected
Liana: Protected
Alexa: Protected
Both: Now your in my mind, now I'm doing fine.
Liana: You hear me
Alexa: You hear me
Liana: Your near me
Alexa: Yout near me
Both: And everything else gonna be alright
Liana: Cause nothing can break this
Alexa: nothing can break this
Both: Nothing can break this tie!
Connected, connected inside.
Far away, in a land of music and magic, live two beautiful girls. Liana (Barbie) and Alexa (Teresa) are best friends who share everything-especially their love of singing. One day, while walking through the forest, the girls find a magical mirror. As they clean the mirror and sing, something amazing happens! A girl named Melody appears in the mirror's surface. Melody tells the girls about the secret of the Diamond Castle. The Diamond Castle, Melody explains, is the home of all music, where three musical muses once resided-until one evil muse, Lydia, tried to take the castle for herself.
In an act of safekeeping the other two muses entrusted the key of the Diamond Castle to Melody. And to keep the key safe from Lydia, Melody hid herself in the mirror. But now she can't get out. She needs Liana's and Alexa's help to free her from the mirror and to save the Diamond Castle. The two girls begin a journey that will take them far away from their homes. Along their way they make new friends-and foes. But will the power of friendship prevail?
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