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[唐詩] 早發白帝城 - 李白 (廣東話)

早發白帝城 李白
The River Journey from White King City,Li Bai


清晨,我離開雲霞籠罩的白帝城,只花了一天 的時間,就回到千里外的江陵。兩岸猿猴的啼聲還 不斷在耳邊迴盪,輕快的小船卻已越過了萬重的高山。

The River Journey from White King City, Li Bai
At dawn I left the walled city of White King,
Towering among the many-coloured clouds;
And came down stream in a day
One thousand li to Jiangling.
The screams of monkeys on either bank
Had scarcely ceased echoing in my ear
When my skiff had left behind it
Ten thousand ranges of hills.

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