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[唐詩] 靜夜思 李白 (廣東話)

靜夜思 李白
Thoughts on a Quiet Night, Li Pai

靜夜思 李白
在我的睡床面,照進了一片明月的光輝,又潔白又 明淨,幾乎使人以為是地上鋪 一層霜呢。我慢慢抬起頭 來,看看天上皎潔美麗的月亮,不由得又低下頭來,深 深懷念我的家鄉。

Thoughts on a Quiet Night, Li Bai
The moon shines on my bed brightly,
So that I mistook it for frost on the ground.
I gaze at the moonlight with head uplifted;
Now my head droops, and my thoughts turn homeward.

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